Children and Youth Ministries
Children and Youth gather on Sunday mornings and are dismissed from the sanctuary after the announcements.
Nursery: Ages 1 to 5 years (Guardians - please escort your child to the nursery; Nursery children are to be picked up after the Benediction is given.)
Children’s Church: Grades Kindergarten to 5th Grade (After the sermon, Children’s Church students are brought up to the Sanctuary by the teachers.)
Middle School Youth Class: Geared towards grades 6, 7 and 8, and 9th graders welcome (Meets on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during service)
Youth Group: meets monthly on Friday’s; email us for more details!
Vacation Bible School
This summer, VBS is coming to STF ! This ministry will share the gospel of Jesus while connecting the lens of art and creation as worship. For more details and to register your children, visit our Events page.