Great Resources from the CRCNA: 

Faith Formation Ministries

At-home Faith Practice Reflection Tip - Reflection and Discussion Starter—the Practice of Justice and Mercy: Read Isaiah 58:9-10 and ponder or discuss the following questions. A yoke is a type of harness used with a team of animals, typically oxen. Usually made of wood and iron, it’s heavy and rigid, and it restricts the animals’ freedom to move. In the Bible the word “yoke” is used to describe being bound to something or someone, for better or for worse. With this in mind, how would you describe “the yoke of oppression”? How might your church, or another group of which you’re a part, begin to meet the needs of the oppressed and “do away with the yoke of oppression”? What practical steps might you take? (For more on faith practices from Faith Formation Ministries, visit

ReFrame Ministries

Be Quick to Listen - Check out the new kids’ devotion at Listening is a skill and it takes practice to become a good listener. What makes someone a good listener? Listen now at and check out all the new content.

Focus on the Cross - Lent is a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. Receive a free Today devotional email series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during Lent. Or download the ebook! Subscribe at

Groundwork: A Wise Perspective on Work - Much of our adult life revolves around work: work for our jobs, work on our houses and for our families, and work for the Lord. Join Groundwork as we study Ecclesiastes 4:4-8, 5:10-15, 9:7-10 to listen to the Teacher’s wisdom on what makes our work meaningful. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.